United Fighting Arts Institute
We would like to thank you for visiting the United Fighting Arts Institute. Please allow us to tell you a little bit about who we are and what we do.
TONIGHT (Fri 12/06/24):6-7pm BJJ (No-Gi)7-9pm Japanese JuJitsu Mudansha & Yudansha belt grading. Open to all UFAI students/friends/family. (Grading candidates; bring a white dogi/keikogi, "Gi" please, if possible).Also on Thursday, December 12th @6pm there will be a BJJ belt promotion with Prof. Sean Michael. Open to all UFAI students/friends/family.
That's a wrap for 2024 Halloween!! #beast #UFAI #family #community #WarriorSpirit #happyhalloween
Don't forget you can wear a costume tonight!! BJJ: 6-7pmMuay Thai: 7-8:30pmHappy Halloween!!
Please contact Mike D. or Deb B to enroll in our November 30th tournament (SubmissionOnlyKumite2024).You definitely do not want to miss out on some great rolls & great prizes for the grand champions!! HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL EVENT SPONSORS:#ShawnCombs#BijouBluVTCryotherapy#TobyGould #Gould Contracting, Inc#SigSauerexperiencecenter#Cash prizes#General Admission #DonnyBrookefightpromotion